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Note: Application for the National River Care Fund (NRCF), a small grant programme by GEC, is currently closed.​



National River Care Fund must be used for environmental purposes and there are a few minimum requirements that organisations must meet in order to be eligible for the grant.


  • Eligible only for NGOs, CBOs, Residents Association, JKKK/(P), Schools/Education Institutions, other non-profit  organisations and special interest groups  who have interest in the management of their river basins.


  • The grant must be used for projects located in Malaysia only.




Initial Review 



  • NRCF Secretariat will compile and conduct an initial screening and review of applications.


  • NRCF Secretariat will select eligible proposals and divide them into categories and undertake an initial ranking according to agreed criteria.


Final Selection



  • The NRCF Advisory Committee will screen shortlisted proposals and give recommendations to Secreteriat for approval / non approval.


  • The Secretariat will contact the successful applicants, followed by a briefing on project progress and review.





  • Successful applicants will need to sign an agreement prior to receiving the grant.


  • The grants are usually paid out in three installments.


The implementation of project should take place 15 days after signing the contract. Upon receiving the first installment of the fund, grantee is required to implement the proposed project activities within the first three (3) months


The progress, final and completion reports are to be delivered to GEC by the deadlines stipulated in the contract. Final report must always consist of (1) a narrative report, (2) a financial report. All reports shall be sent together within respective contracted deadlines and shall be signed by the statutory representative of the grantee.


Failure to implement the proposed activities or made good progress within the first (3) months will cause project termination and grantee is required to refund the grant money to GEC.

National River Care Fund (NRCF) is an initiative by the Global Environment Centre (GEC),

overseen by the Advisory Committee and operated by the NRCF Secretariat from GEC.


Copyright © GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT CENTRE (GEC) [473058-T]. All Rights Reserved.

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